If I ever hit the lottery, the first thing I would do is travel. I’ve always had a thing for exotic Asian temptresses. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to go anywhere other than work. I turn to the internet when I want to get my rocks. When I found out I could save up to 63% with an Asian Sex Diary discount, I knew I had to have it. This is where you’ll get to follow a guy named John around as he fucks his way through Asia.
The roster you’ll find here is packed with gorgeous girls from China, Thailand, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, and Singapore. There are more than 2,100+ videos as well as 1,900+ photo galleries in these archives. Updates are delivered on a daily basis, so you’ll never run out of fresh fapping material. When it comes to the action, balls-deep anal penetration, sloppy blowjobs, delicious creampies, and messy facials are just a few of the categories covered. This is one hot deal you don’t want to miss out on.